Abenteuer In Deutschland

Herzliche Grusse!

Follow our adventures in Germany as we take off to der Vaterland for an extended visit to friends and family.
We hope to become intimate with the language, the people and the culture as we plunge
into a life in Essen, the Kulturhauptstadt 2010!

Friday, November 26, 2010

It's snowing....!!!!

That's how our darling daughters greeted us at 6 am this morning (27/11/10), at the top of their voices! Outside, everything was silver - even without sunlight - as it was several hours before sunrise! It was an impressive cover for the first one of the season. And with temperatures forecast to stay below 0C everyday this week, it has not turned to slush. So we have two very happy daughters.

Our path to school usually takes us less than 15 min - but today it took us 35 min! The girls resembled hyperactive rabbits, hoping, slipping and skipping all over the place. They crunched it under their boots, scraped it off cars, left crazy footsteps across the lawn and made about 6 snowballs a minute. I think 4 snow balls found their targets - good that they are such bad aims!

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