With mixed feelings we bade a melancholic farewell to our wonderful life in Essen on the 10th January 2011. We feel positively uprooted from our rich and happy existence there. We can only hope that the memories of our Essen 2010 Abenteuer remain as vivid as our lovely purple home on Hans Luther Allee.
We have so many people to thank for helping to make our sojourn memorable:
- Hubi's old uni friends inundated us with welcoming gifts and useful things for daily life (Andrea, Rupi, Kristina, Jani, Tilli Rings , Susanne, Markus, Sophie Berrisch-Rahmel, Bernd, Kirstin und Tobias Woelbert, Bernd-Willi, Theresa, Elsa, Darius, Silvin Zanke)
- our amazing relatives who literally bent over backwards to collect us from airports, cloth us warmly, bake for us and endure many sleep-overs with 2 excitable little cousins (Jersmanns, Aschofs and Beissels)
- the supportive Maria, Thomas und Jonas Wessendorf who sadly could not come to live at Ormond Grove, so stayed home and helped steer our way through life in Essen
- Hubi's lab team-mates who laughed at all his jokes and LOVED pavlova
- our immediate neighbours, Alexandra, Peter, Max und Katinka Aranowski, who spoilt us rotten despite the thunderous noises we generated above their ceiling
- our Aussie mates, the Doleys, who also experienced 6 wonderful months exploring das Vaterland
- our Italian friends Cristina, Salah and Miriam, who jumped on a train to travel 300km to Toskana with 3 days notice to be with us
- the Hermann/Lamprechts who cooked amazing food, fixed Stephanie's ears and invited us to BVB09 football games
- the delightful and supportive new friends at the Volkshochschule (Hilmi, Lilia, Magda, Beate, Ivona etc etc)
- Samantha's very patient German teacher, Heike
- The Ahaeusers of Bad Vilbel, who we stayed with when casting our vote in the Australian Federal Election, and who were with us in Essen when Sebastian Vettel became world champion
- the lovely new families we met through the Badelebenschule (parents of Anna, Milena, Maria, Lena, Catharina, Silvia and Sara)
- the very patient teachers Frau Gersmeier and Frau Ritter who taught both girls to speak fantastic Deutsch
- the incredible Kleine Malschule run by Wanda, which helped both girls generate artistic masterpieces
- a handful of lovely friends who visited (Fraser, Linda, Marie, Mick, Petra, Rina, Clement and Alex); and
- our stoic friend Isabelle, who capped off Samantha's 'German-Experience' with a Gutschein to Claudia Thermal where nakedness was mandatory!
DANKE! Es war echt wunderbar!
p.s. the last few photos show our acclimatization process via Singapore and a hands-on visit to the zoo.